*Step 1: Create a new directory name ncbi-blast+

mkdir ncbi-blast+

*Step 2: Enter in to created directory

$ cd ncbi-blast+

#For Fedora/ CentOS/ Ubuntu operating system


*Step 3: Download the software from NCBI-FTP site

wget -N ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/2.6.0/ncbi-blast-2.6.0+-1.x86_64.rpm

*Step 4: To Install (Fedora/ CentOS operating system)

$ sudo yum install ncbi-blast-2.6.0+-1.x86_64.rpm -nogpgcheck

 To Install ( Ubuntu operating system)

sudo alien -i ncbi-blast-2.6.0+-1.x86_64.rpm 

*Step 5:  To check for successful installation

blastn -h

Output: USAGE
blastn [-h] [-help] [-import_search_strategy filename]
[-export_search_strategy filename] [-task task_name] [-db database_name]
[-dbsize num_letters] [-gilist filename] [-seqidlist filename]
[-negative_gilist filename] [-entrez_query entrez_query]
[-db_soft_mask filtering_algorithm] [-db_hard_mask filtering_algorithm]
[-subject subject_input_file] [-subject_loc range] [-query input_file]
[-out output_file] [-evalue evalue] [-word_size int_value]
[-gapopen open_penalty] [-gapextend extend_penalty]
[-perc_identity float_value] [-qcov_hsp_perc float_value]
[-max_hsps int_value] [-xdrop_ungap float_value] [-xdrop_gap float_value]
[-xdrop_gap_final float_value] [-searchsp int_value]
[-sum_stats bool_value] [-penalty penalty] [-reward reward] [-no_greedy]
[-min_raw_gapped_score int_value] [-template_type type]
[-template_length int_value] [-dust DUST_options]
[-filtering_db filtering_database]
[-window_masker_taxid window_masker_taxid]
[-window_masker_db window_masker_db] [-soft_masking soft_masking]
[-ungapped] [-culling_limit int_value] [-best_hit_overhang float_value]
[-best_hit_score_edge float_value] [-window_size int_value]
[-off_diagonal_range int_value] [-use_index boolean] [-index_name string]
[-lcase_masking] [-query_loc range] [-strand strand] [-parse_deflines]
[-outfmt format] [-show_gis] [-num_descriptions int_value]
[-num_alignments int_value] [-line_length line_length] [-html]
[-max_target_seqs num_sequences] [-num_threads int_value] [-remote]

**NCBI-BLAST+ version 2.6.0   is successfully installed on your system, now you can perform sequence similarity search locally with your customised database and queries

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